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College Gluten-free

Eating in college was always a concern for me. What will be available? Will I like it? Will I get sick from cross-contamination? Pretty overwhelming questions for a girl who was still trying to decide where I was going to spend the next 4 years of my life. UVA mentioned that they had a section that is dedicated to being 100% gluten-free as well as free of other major allergens. Honestly the fact that they mentioned that had me sold. I assumed I would be set. I have to say I don't have to worry about the freshman 15 (or 1st year 15 for all my UVA people out there). Every meal at the “Copper Hood” near my dorm consists of a meat, a starch, and a vegetable. I have had more chicken and white rice in these first few weeks than I think I have had in the rest of my life before this. I’m grateful that UVA is thinking about gluten-free options, but I will say I miss pasta, and pizza, and anything unhealthy really. There is a small cooler that has slices of gluten-free bread (bu...

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